CAMP seeks to use the power of video for social change. It works with agencies on projects that aim at building human capacities in participatory video production and in turn network with social movements & campaigns that believe in using ICTs for action. Through projects that it engages in with its partners it aims at demystifiying technologies & form a network of media activists.

CAMP©-Children As Media Producers is a Participatory Media initiative of the UNESCO Chair on Community
Media, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad
The basic premises of CAMP include:
- Children must be seen as producers and contributors of information and not only as consumers.
- Community media can play an important role in strengthening cultural rights, and in particular, the rights of linguistic and cultural minorities, and indigenous peoples by providing access to the means of communication.
- Access to the means of communication must be supplemented by education and training to assist a critical understanding of the media and to enable children to develop their media and communication skills.
Interested in initiating a Children’s Media project? Contact us.
Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad, S N School of Arts & Communication
Prof. CR Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500046
vb AT uohyd DOT ac DOT in